Computerized Trademark Searches
Computerized Trademark Searches
“Prior in tempore potior in iure” (the Law favors those who establish their rights earlier rather than later) is a fundamental principle in intellectual property law. In this sense, proprietors of earlier trademarks may bar the registration and use of newer identical or similar trademarks for the same or similar products or services. Trademark applicants are, therefore, faced with the risk of getting involved in out-of-court or in-Court disputes with proprietors of earlier trademarks, aiming to oppose or cancel newer trademark applications and bar their use in transactions. As a result, newer trademark applicants may have to deal with significant financial damages resulting from their failing investment.
For this reason, pro-actively searching the trademark registry for earlier, identical or similar trademarks covering identical or similar products or services is of key importance, as such earlier trademarks may bar the registration of the desired trademark application and its use in transactions.
Our firm has developed a complete and fully updated in-house Greek trademark database with search tools providing reliable hits without omissions and errors. All results are filtered and cross-checked with the indices kept at the Greek Trademarks Office to reflect an accurate, up to date status. Even supposing that similar earlier trademarks are, indeed, found, we may still advise (depending on the degree of similarity) on the implementation of verbal or figurative amendments and / or changes in the list of products or services, thus increasing chances of successful registration and unhindered use of the desired mark in transactions.